So I was wandering around the wonderful web looking to be inspired and came across the
My Mind's Eye blog and their Challenge #10 Dream Big. They provide a great sketch and the lyrics to the song Dream Big by Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand. It was just the inspiration I was looking for. I've had these pictures of our oldest son for over a year now and have been trying to figure out what context I was going to put them in. This song was perfect!!! I love the My Mind's Eye 29th Street Market collection papers too - they are just grungy enough and have just the right colors to work well with these photos. All of the items I used with the exception of the chipboard star and the silver brads come from My Mind's Eye - not all the same collection and some I've had in my supply for ages but they all pulled together really well to create this layout.
On another note, Paul and I just celebrated our 8th anniversary...that's 11 years together and 8 married. WOW, I know to some of you that doesn't seem like a long time but for us, it's hard to believe it's been that many years. They do seem to pass more quickly as time goes on and as our kids' and our own hobbies and sports make our lives busier and busier. Fast or slow, we're blessed and are so grateful that God is continuing to help us grow in our relationship together.
It's been a bit since I've posted but that's not to say that I haven't been crafting like a mad woman. I spent much of last week making cards - not sure what got into me but one afternoon I made a dozen cards! I'll get some new photos into the card gallery for you to take a peek at real soon. My kids laugh at me when I'm photographing cards because I don't have a good place in my house that has the right sunlight to photograph in. So there's this one section of wall that gets GREAT sun for a very brief period in the late afternoon and there I am being really goofy taping cardstock (that matches the item I'm photographing, of course) to the wall, then tacking up the item I want to photgraph and then scrambling to get that one down and the next one up before the sun shifts and my good lighting is gone. It really was hysterical to watch so I totally get why they laugh at me. We all need a good laugh every once in a while, right?
On what I think is a really cool note, I was contacted by Colorbok about one of my layouts that I had posted to the gallery on the
Two Peas in a Bucket website. I had used some of the Friendly Forest collection and they wanted to know if they could post it to their blog and their Facebook site. So flattering...and maybe, just maybe I'm starting to break into this wonderful world of publication - now wouldn't that be exciting! So if you're interested...check it out over at
Colorbok's blog it's the Tree Hugger layout that I did of Tyler a while back.