Why Scraps of Grace you ask??? Primarily because it is through God's grace that I am able to do what I love...scrapbooking, cardmaking, basically anything that has beautiful paper and embellishments involved. This is also a place to share my work as well as whatever is on my heart. A creative outlet for the mind, body, and soul.

I encourage you to relax, read, and browse a while and I hope that your day will be brightened and blessed by what you encounter.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Can't stop at just one...

I had more pictures from our tomatillo canning experience this past fall that I really wanted to include in my last Garden Variety layout so I decided to expand the single page layout, that I shared in my previous post, into a double page layout. Here is page two. Still love this paper from Cosmo Cricket and the kit it came in from Queen Scraps.
I looked out at my garden this afternoon when the rain started coming down hard and realized that I've been so busy I haven't seen the incredible progress that has occurred in the last 5 days...oh my goodness, everything is getting SO big! There are a few more green tomatoes out there and some zucchini that will be ready to harvest in the next day or so. The tomatillo plants have their blossoms - that means more canning this fall. Yeah!!! I love having our own produce to eat all winter. A little hard work in the dirt and we can eat organic, home-grown produce year round.
Which reminds me...I need to keep growing too. Just like I have to work hard to make my garden produce, I also have to let God work in me to produce His fruits (which is sometimes hard for me to do). I'll admit it, some days I just don't want to let God work in me...I'm tired or grumpy or the kids are pushing all my buttons so I just don't see how I can find peace or joy. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 Jesus says to Paul "...My grace is enough for you. When you are weak, my power is made perfect in you..." May we all remember our own weaknesses for it is in those times that Christ can show how truly powerful He is.
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