I hope that all of you had a blessed Christmas. We thoroughly enjoyed our time with my parents, my brother-in-law and our close family friends. It was a whirlwind of a weekend but it was so wonderful! I'm looking forward to playing with all the new scrappy goodness that my husband and oldest son got me for Christmas...here's a little sampling of all the yumminess.

I know lots of the papers are older lines but I have been admiring them for SO long and just haven't had the budget to add them to my collection. So seriously, who wouldn't be inspired to craft with all those goodies? The kids are still home from school this week so I don't know how much I'll get to right away because I really want to spend more time playing with them now that the mad holiday rushing around is over but next week when they are back in school - look out because the paper will be flying around here.
Pretty cool right? The giveaway ends January 6th so hurry over and check it out. She's got lots of great kits in her store! She also tagged me for the List of Fours so here it goes:
1. Four shows that you watch?
Extreme Makeover Home Edition
Grey's Anatomy
Detroit 1-8-7
Human Target
2. Four things you are passionate about?
My family (they truly are amazing and such a blessing)
Paper crafting
The outdoors
3. Four words/phrases you say a lot?
Praise God
Stop fighting with your brother
Pick that up
4. Four things you have learned in the past?
Communication is key to a relationship (Leeanne had this one too but it's a truth that can change any relationship.)
God will ALWAYS be there for me and I can trust in Him.
You are only as happy as you allow yourself to be.
You have to make time for yourself...no matter how busy your life is.
5. Four places you would like to go?
Kauai (I could go there over and over again)
6. Four things you did yesterday?
Drove my parents to the airport (boo hoo)
Worked at church
Watched Minute to Win It with the kids and hubby
7. Four things you are looking forward to?
Working on some crafty projects with my new supplies
A big snowfall (hopefully later this week)
Springtime (I'm a huge fan of flowering bulbs)
A date night with my husband
8. Four things you love about winter?
Sledding with the kids
A warm, cozy fireplace
Pajama days with the kids when it's too cold to go outside
A fresh blanket of snow covering the ground
Tag four people to play along:
Where Chaos Meets Creativity
The Scrappiest
Mary Pat:
Siehled With a Kiss
Snaps and Snippets