Why Scraps of Grace you ask??? Primarily because it is through God's grace that I am able to do what I love...scrapbooking, cardmaking, basically anything that has beautiful paper and embellishments involved. This is also a place to share my work as well as whatever is on my heart. A creative outlet for the mind, body, and soul.

I encourage you to relax, read, and browse a while and I hope that your day will be brightened and blessed by what you encounter.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve and beyond...

So my kiddos woke up at 6am today (ughhh)...is this a precursor to what is to come tomorrow morning????  I sure hope not because we will all be SO tired!  I have been so busy this week trying to finish up all the last minute baking, the cookie plate making and the wrapping of presents.  It's done and I'm ready but I'm worn out.  Why is it that no matter how much pre-planning and preparation I do it always seems to come down to the last minute?  I've really got to get better at this because I'd rather be spending the time doing fun Christmas-y stuff with my kids during this week rather than hustling and bustling about. 

My parents are here too which is wonderful - I love that they make spending the holidays with my brothers and our families such a priority every year.  It's a huge blessings to us and to our kids.  Today we'll attend Christmas Eve services which are always amazing and make me cry - I get so emotional thinking about the true meaning of this whole celebration.  Tonight our close friends and their kids will join us for our traditional Christmas Eve tamale dinner, the kids will all get to open one gift, we'll tuck them into bed and collapse into our own bed and hope for a nice, long sleep before the festivities of celebrating Christ's birth get underway.

Before I go, I'd like to wish each and every one of you a blessed Christmas.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 (NIV)

And here's a little peak at ALL those cookies!

 Wrapped up and ready to be delivered by my little elves...
 Up close...

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